Make your vote count.

It’s Our City.

Our local Council is the key to our future. This city belongs to all of us, and we deserve leaders who believe that too.

Let’s make it happen through the ballot box.

This September, Business Newcastle wants YOU to consider the candidates who have our city's best interest at heart, and who support these values. 

Support business

Businesses are the heartbeat of Newcastle! 

  • Creating jobs, bring life to help our communities thrive.

  • Almost 60% of Australians are either self employed or work for small business enterprises.

Deliver the basics

  • Fair and equitable rates. Parking. Transport. Road maintenance. 

  • Rubbish collection. Clean streets. Safe places and good lighting.

  • Amenities located where they’re needed. Clean, trip-free footpaths. 

Have respect for alternate views

  • A great City listens to and respects its citizens. 

Are accountable and transparent 

  • The City deserves not just good, but great representation and strong leadership. 

  • Transparency eliminates fear and conjecture, breeding confidence, optimism and innovation.  

Business Newcastle encourages the business community and those who seek to represent our City to ask and answer these fundamental questions.